The following is in English, because that is the language normally used in VGA-Planets games (VGAP).
How Can I Begin?
For the player
- Introduction to VGA-Planets (Einführung) for older MSDOS
- How it works (with visual imagination)
- RandMAX a player utility for managing planets (written by Steffen P.) - Last Release v2.g on 2006/09/27 now maintained by Thomas Voigt
- official old site from 1991 are closed, 2021-project now is how new version is 4beta, but a lot of players like to [play version 3.5][vgap1] (for Windows, for older MSDOS there is an 3.0-version). Look for "New Players Start Here".
For the programmer
There are lot of add-ons, utilities and host-replacements.
The Portable Host Project
__ Brought to you by the letter __

__ Brought to you by the letter __

Is an replacement for the official Tim- host.exe . Goal is the independence from windows, so it will run on dos/windows and almost any kind of UNIX-systems.
Other Topics / Related
- Newsgroup alt-games.vga-planets
- RandMAX Doc-Infos